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Cameras API

Cameras API was developed with a single endpoint responsible to send the videos to Intrusion Management API. It will get the intrusion timestamp and then will get the video 3 minutes before and 3 minutes after the intrusion. This processes a video file and send the frames to a message queue.

The VideoProducer class is defined in the code, which has a constructor that sets the connection details for the message queue and some other parameters. The createConnection method sets up the connection to the message queue and declares the exchange and queue. The processVideo method reads the frames from a video file, processes them, and sends them to the message queue using the kombu_producer object.

The sendVideo function is then defined as a FastAPI endpoint that can be accessed via an HTTP request. This function creates an instance of the VideoProducer class and calls its createConnection and processVideo methods to send the video frames to the message queue.