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Backend Sites Management API

API Swagger Documentation - Sites Management API

The information model of the Sites Management API was designed in this way:

Information Model

The Person class represents a person, and has columns for storing personal information such as name, email, hashed password, address, and cellphone. It also has a cognito_id column, store an identifier for a user within an Amazon Cognito.The Person class has two subclasses: SecurityManager and PropertyOwner.

The SecurityManager class represents a security manager and has a worker_id column that is a foreign key referencing the id column of the Person table.

The PropertyOwner class represents a property owner and has a property_owner_id column that is a foreign key referencing the id column of the Person table. It also has a contract_date column for storing the date of the property owner's contract, a notification_type column for storing the type of notifications the owner prefers to receive, and a relationship with the Person class. The PropertyOwner class has a buildings attribute that represents the buildings owned by the property owner.

The Building class represents a building and has columns for storing the building's address, name, and the id of the property owner. It also has relationships with the Device and Intrusion classes.

The Device class represents a device and has columns for storing the device's specifications, state (which is an enumerated type that can be ON/OFF), type (which is also an enumerated type that can be CAMERA/SENSOR), and the id of the building it is associated with. It has a relationship with the Building class, to indicate that the Building class has a corresponding devices attribute that points back to Device objects.

The Intrusion class represents an intrusion detected by the security system and has columns for storing the timestamp of the intrusion and the id of the building and device involved. It has a relationship with the Building class to indicate that the Building class has a corresponding intrusions attribute that points back to Intrusion objects.