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5th sprint

· One min read

From: 28/11/2022

To: 18/12/2022

Scrum Master: João Reis Product Owner: João Farias

Developers: Artur Romão, Mariana Rosa, Ricardo Rodriguez

Sprint Planning

These sprint will be the final sprint.

User story:

  • As Alexandre, I want to store CCTV footage of the intrusion, so that I can use that information as legal proof and serve it to the client (13 story points)

  • As Alexandre, I want to know my clients information, so that I can be in contact with them whenever I need. (3 story points)

The goals will be:

  • Connect everything (AWS) and deploy them;
  • More focus on documentation;
  • Fix some bugs;

Story Points Estimated: 16

Sprint Review

This sprint was the best until this point. The team worked really well to delivery to the stakeholders what they wanted. The stakeholders gave a positive review.

Story Points Delivered: 16

Sprint Retrospective

  • What went well? The sprint itself, the team was really focused and motivated to delivery the User Stories

  • What could be improved? Nothing.

  • What went badly? A lot of AWS problems, in the next sprint we will try other solutions.

Burndown Chart

Burndown Chart of sprint 5