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Definition of ready

A user story is ready when accomplished all of the items above. This mean that a user story is considered ready to be worked on. Meeting these criteria can help to ensure that user stories are well-defined and ready to be worked on by the team. This can help to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process and result in higher-quality software.

The characteristics are:

  • Every member of the team should give their opinion about the user story;
  • User story well written and defined;
  • User story must have acceptance criteria (given, when, then)
  • Estimate the number of hours to work on that user story;
  • If there are any dependencies among other user stories they must be resolved beforehand;
  • The ScrumMaster should split the user story into smaller tasks;
  • The Product Owner should accept the user story and is responsible for putting the tasks and stories in the backlog.