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In the context of user stories, a Persona is a fictional character that represents a specific type of actor. It is used to help teams better understand the needs, goals, and behaviors of their users. Personas are used to guide the design and development of features and functionality.

We defined one persona for each actor:


Teresa Silva

Teresa Silva was born at Azores on 10th March 1964. In 1984 she moved to Lisbon in order to study Business Management in Católica Lisbon School. She married in 1994 and had one child. Recently, she decided to open her own business: a bakery: Mr. Bakery. Teresa is sometimes an anxious person and a little bit of a control freak. There have been a few robberies in the neighborhood nearby her bakery, and since then she is always picturing her business being invaded. Now she wants to protect it, with a good security system capable of notificate her and the police in case of intrusion. As a client, she wants to check if the bakery’s cameras and alarms are working. Also, she wants to choose the way she is notificated.


Alexandre Nunes

Alexandre Nunes, born in Aveiro, is 42 years old and works in SecCom as Security Manager, role which consists in managing the cameras and sensors installed in the monitored buildings and checking if they’re working properly as well as the clients’ information. Alexandre needs a platform to check whether the cameras and sensors are working just fine in the monitored buildings or if there are some anomalies that should be resolved. He’d also like to check on his clients (building owners) basic information in order to contact them if there is anything to report. Beyond this, Alexandre feels the need to be informed if an intruder is detected by the cameras/sensors in any of his managing buildings and, in that case, he also considers it important to automatically contact the authorities with the video of the intrusion.