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3 posts tagged with "Retrospective"

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· One min read

From: 24/10/2022

To: 31/10/2022

Scrum Master: Artur Romão

Product Owner: Mariana Rosa

Developers: João Farias, João Reis, Ricardo Rodriguez

Sprint Planning

In the third sprint we were expecting to achieve these goals:

  • User story 1: As Teresa, I want to login in my account, so that I can access my dashboard; (3 points)
  • User story 2: "As Teresa, I want to be notified when an intrusion occurs in my business, so that I can allow myself to be more comfortable and feel safe about my investment." (5 points)
  • Focus more on the client side and backend;
  • Communication flow between Camera API, Intrusion API and HDM;
  • Client UI with access to create and login account (without IDP yet), check his intrusions and profile page.

Story Points Estimated: 8

Sprint Review

Stakeholders appreciated that we were delivering user stories, however we need to be more efficient.

Story Points Delivered: 3

Sprint Retrospective

  • What went well? Client side pretty much developed.

  • What could be improved? Even the work in the team.

  • What went badly? Nothing serious.

Burndown Chart

Burndown Chart of sprint 2

· 2 min read

From: 17/10/2022

To: 24/10/2022

Scrum Master: João Reis

Product Owner: João Farias

Developers: Artur Romão, João Farias, Mariana Rosa

Sprint Planning

In our second week of development, the actual first sprint, the goals are the following:

  • User story: "As Teresa, I want to check on my property's information" (3 points)
  • Develop client's frontend
  • Build Site's Management API
  • Connect the two modules in order to present information to client, such as, their properties, the intrusion's history and the devices present in their properties.

Story Points Estimated: 3

Sprint Review

Although, frontend was developed successfully, unfortunately backend module wasn't. Our modulation suffered some changes during the sprint, and we had to modulate our backend module several times which made us lost a bit of time. However, 2 of 3 goals where accomplished and the user story was delivered.

Story Points Delivered: 3

Sprint Retrospective

  • What went well? We improved from the previous sprint by splitting the tasks into smaller ones and work towards one goal together

  • What could be improved? More communication between the team, we had some problems because of that.

  • What went badly? Nothing serious.

Burndown Chart

Burndown Chart of sprint 1

· 2 min read

From: 10/10/2022

To: 17/10/2022

Scrum Master: João Farias

Product Owner: João Reis

Developers: Artur Romão, Mariana Rosa, Ricardo Rodriguez

Sprint Planning

In order to start our project, it is expectable to conclude the following sprint goals:

  • Configure the GitHub organization and define the Git Workflow.
  • Create User Stories, Personas
  • Produce a functional frontend prototype for the sites management API with some working features.
  • Define, document and test the most important endpoints of the intrusion management API.
  • Implement the database for the sites management API.
  • Implement CI/CD for at least one of the system modules.

Story Points: 0

Sprint Review

After the sprint review, the stakeholders advise us to take "baby steps". Our goals were too general and difficult, we should focus on the user stories. Work in a vertical way, which means, every member of the team is focused on that goal and work in all the modules (Backend, Frontend, Testing, DevOps) to deliver user stories. 3 of the goals were accomplished.

Sprint Retrospective

  • What went well? We have all now to start working (user stories prioritized, documentation, frontend prototype and the Sites Management API)

  • What could be improved? Less big goals.

  • What went badly? For the next sprint, we will try to go more focused in something smaller.

Burndown Chart

Burndown Chart of sprint 0